Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 Movie So Far, Ranked by Critics

 Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in full swing, but it has barely even started, as so many more movies and Disney+ series are on the horizon. 

While there's still so much more superhero goodness to come from Phase Four, there have already been five movies and six series released. That's as much content as Phase Three, and even more considering that shows are significantly longer than movies. 

With Phase Four introducing shows, the type of Marvel content is all over the place whether it's a decade-spanning sitcom, a supporting cast-stealing prequel, or a sci-fi space odyssey. Interestingly, with Rotten Tomatoes being based on professional critics opinions, they aren't always aligned with the general public. 

5. ETERNALS- 47/100

Chloe Zhao and the MCU might not be a perfect fit according to the first wave of reviews for Eternals, which are split at time. Many critics seem to think that this Marvel movie is too much of a Marvel movie and that's a problem. They wanted Zhao superhero movie to be more like her previous film, Nomadland, which won the academy Award for Best Picture.

The reason for their mediocrity is two-fold. First, the action choreography is dull, and the visuals are equally bland. Then there's the fact that there's nothing to strengthen most of the sequences, no emotional hook or character moments to be found. While the movie is unnecessarily long it is also followed by bad pacing.


With all of the pros, you might be wondering what the movie's flaws are. No Way Home had set expectations to a very high level for the upcoming Marvel titles as anything was possible. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness did not live up to the same standards as No Way Home, but it's doubtlessly a good addition to the MCU.

Aside from the visuals, one thing that sets this apart from other MCU films is how violent it is. It's very safe to say that this movie is on the edge of PG-13. Director Sam Raimi also adds his signature touch of horror themes to the movie. It is stunning to look at, entertaining to watch and makes you leave the theatre wanting more.

3. BLACK WIDOW- 79/100

Natasha Romanoff's Black Widow was a missed opportunity in the MCU. Black Widow is a decent standalone action movie, but it would have landed better if Disney and Marvel had the guts to release it a decade ago- or even five years ago. The film, which serves as both an origin story exploring Romanoff's dark past and an explanation of what she was up to between "Captain America: Civil war" and "Avengers: Infinity War"  made a good impact on theatres.

The wildest thing about "Black Widow" may be that the title character isn't even the main hero in her own story most of the time. The film is very much a vehicle for the passing of the baton to a younger lead as we head into Marvel Phase 4 of its cinematic universe.


It's hardly a surprise that Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was an overwhelming success with critics. The movie is full of Chinese culture that's visually stunning and it introduces martial art into the MCU that rivals like John Wick. The movie has received overwhelming positive reviews from critics mostly because it was fun and epic. 

According to critics, Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings is worth the hype. It is an accomplishment as a standalone movie, it it were not an MCU film it would still be fantastic.


Surprisingly yet unsurprisingly, Spider-Man: No Way Home received the highest score of the MCU's Phase Four offerings among critics. There's no way Spider-Man: No Way Home wasn't going to be a huge hit among critics. The movie officially introduces the concept of multiverse. 

All three live-action Peter Parkers on-screen together was a sight to behold and a huge unprecedented moment in cinema. And the movie even went above and beyond by giving fans Matt Murdock. There isn't much more an MCU fan or Spider-Man fan could ask for. The film is emotionally riveting, with spectacular action. 

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